The missional disciple
Pursuing mercy & Justice at work

"The workplace is so often the primary context in which we engage our faith, and, as such, it is crucial that Christians be missional in their work, examining the areas of brokenness they can push against—seeking to bring mercy and justice—in their respective fields. If every Christian considered how they can better love their neighbors on the margins, steward their power, and be a restorative presence in their workplace, it would be nothing less than transformational. This course shows us how to do just that. It is an important addition to Christian discipleship and will help unleash congregants more fully to love people, places, and systems to life."
—Timothy Keller, Chairman and Co-Founder, Redeemer City to City,
Author of Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work
Workbook available from the following retailers:
As disciples of Jesus, our workplaces can often be our primary place of mission. Yet we often fail to recognize two key dimensions of our work—mercy and justice.

What You Will Learn from this Study
Designed around short videos presented by leading practitioners and theologians, The Missional Disciple is a six-week course exploring how mercy and justice are not only central to the biblical story but are also at the heart of God’s character. Created for group use and packed with case studies, community discussion questions, simple practices and prayer prompts, this interactive course will help you discover a holistic paradigm and equip you to become a restorative presence in your everyday workplace.
Whether tending to beds in a hospital or starting a business, sitting at a call center or waiting tables in a restaurant, this course invites you to grasp hold of your identity as a missional disciple and to integrate mercy and justice within your industry.
Hospitality | Commercial arts | Filmmaking | Education | Finance