Coronavirus is Changing Your Work: What Do We Do?

The significant impact to workers around the world from the Covid-19 crisis cannot be overstated as people’s vocational lives are upended with so little notice. We hope the resources provided below can help you make sense of the current workplace reality. We will continue to bring you more resources around work disruption and unemployment.

Our podcast below discusses the work changes over the past two weeks which are dizzying. Sports stadiums are empty while Amazon and Zoom are booming. Teachers must rewrite lesson plans for online delivery while GM and Ford retool factories to make ventilators. Millions are working from home amidst family life and school cancellations. Those who must interact face-to-face risk their own health and the spread of the virus. Everyone’s anxious, but many are simply trying to keep up with new work demands and strategies while others no longer have next month’s rent payment.  How can we care for others at this time?

Download Discerning God in Difficult Times: A 15-Day Devotional focused on the new complexities of work to hear God’s voice for you in this chaos. 

Amidst all this change, work is being reimagined, retooled, rebudgeted, rewritten–so many “re’s” involved. But one thing that is easy to forget amidst all this chaos is the redemption God can bring through our work. How can work be an agent of not just survival or self actualization, but of mercy and justice at this time? Our charge is so simple, yet so complex. Love God and love neighbor … through our work. Help communities flourish. This month we are offering all our faith and work online classes listed below for free to help you process work through God’s lens. 

We want to hear from you. What work problems are you facing? How is work changing your heart at this time? How is God impacting your community? How can your community impact the world? We’d love to know your stories of God’s redeeming narrative as it plays out in your work or in the work of those around you. We also want to know your stress, your longings and your needs. We want to hear both stories. Attached is a short survey with only five questions

To help you engage in renewed spiritual rhythms and learnings as you confront the uncertainties before you, we have provided sermons, podcasts, and articles below and waived any fees where applicable. I hope you find them helpful and encouraging.

Missy Wallace, Executive Director, Global Faith & Work Initiative


A Personal Devotional
We have crafted a 15-day devotional for this unique time in the hope that it will encourage you to allow God to speak into every aspect of your life today. Scripture passages highlight people who were called by the Lord to do difficult and sometimes seemingly impossible things. Our hope is that in this difficult time you will experience new and unexpected mercies–evidence of God’s faithfulness and love for you.

Audio Sermons and Talks
These free sermons and podcasts were curated specifically around the anticipated needs of our GFWI community in this season of uncertainty.

Courses for Remote Learning
We are offering all of our online courses and our Faith & Work Bible Study for free for the next month. Online courses can be taken individually or by creating your own group. The Faith & Work Bible Study can be used for your small group to meet via video conferencing.

Subway photo by Patrick Robert Doyle on Unsplash


A Day of Silence


Announcing the Global Faith & Work Initiative